Apart from the passage of time, some factors can cause the sagging of breasts include;
▶️Multiple pregnancies
▶️Smoking. caes skin to lose its flexibility and strength.
▶️Larger, heavier breasts are more likely to sag over time.
▶️Extreme weight loss.
▶️Being overweight.
▶️Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays
▶️Extreme, high-intensity strenuous exercise.
To prevent this sagging and take back your breasts to their original firmness, try ALL SEVEN steps below. None of them alone can restore your breasts but try them together and see them work their magic.
1️⃣. Exercise your whole upper body, not just your chest muscles.

- How to Massage your breasts
It’s true that training your chest muscles is the key to having firmer and fuller breasts. But technically speaking, you can’t “lift” the breasts themselves since they consist mostly of fatty tissue and mammary glands. However, you can sculpt the nearby muscles to make the breasts look more toned, but working just your chest muscles won’t do the trick. You need to engage your whole upper body to improve your posture and the appearance of your breasts.
2️⃣. Watch your posture.
Goo posture removes the unnecessary stress on the joints and tissues that can contribute to sagging. Remember that you should always stand with your shoulders back, your head straight, and your stomach tucked in. To maintain this posture just imagine you’re standing against a wall to measure your height!
3️⃣. Choose the right bra that provides enough support when you’re working out.
A nice fitting bra provides support and reduces the strain on your breasts. The right bra should reduce the breast motion but not be too tight, so it doesn’t restrict the blood flow. Always wear a bra during high-impact activities like running. Keep in mind that you don’t have to wear it all the time like, for example, when you’re just walking. Some research suggests that wearing a bra all the time can actually make your chest muscles weaker, which may contribute to sagging. Don't wear a bra to sleep.
4️⃣. Adopt proper eating habits and maintain a healthy weight.
Of course, healthy eating alone can’t prevent or completely restore saggy breasts. But sticking to a well-balanced diet will help you to avoid constant weight fluctuations that can cause further damage to breast tissue. Eating plenty of healthy fats like fatty fish, oils (good oils are liquid at room temperature), nuts, and pears can improve It.
Read, learn, follow the rules and stay healthy.
Ngong Andy Jones
Better Health
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